Gustavo Pasquini .

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French - Cuisine

French - Cuisine

                                                          Food culture

The identity of a people is given mainly by its language and its food culture .

A set of dietary habits determined over time by their society , shall identify them and often when rooted , becomes a cultural heritage.

French gastronomy

It is considered the cradle of High Gastronomy, having the most traditional cuisines of the world !

XVII - The French Food originated from the Medieval Gastronomy, soon after the French Revolution , due to constant visit of European soldiers to France to make meals , where King Louis XIV , the sun king , forbade the foreign influences in gastronomy .

History of French gastronomy objectives:

- Preservation of local customs ;

- Conservation of natural food flavors .


Eighteenth - century fundamental modifications:

- The poise of eating to eat sitting lying ;

- Individualization of food : One plate and its cutlery for each person

- The emergence of the first cookbook ;

- Collective service desk for a cover charge for each person ;

- The elegance of the table, the label ;

- Influence of accompaniments ;

- Expulsion of the dictatorship of garlic and onion : Vegetables , vegetable ;

- Replacement of smell cooking in the kitchen look ;

- The French cooks have become voted the best in the world.

OBS : the superiority of France in the field of kitchen and table is proved .

- The first restaurant was opened in 1765 , when an innkeeper served a plate of mutton legs with white sauce . In general these early restaurants served soups for therapeutic purposes , in order to restore and restore the strength of sick individuals , hence the origin of the name restaurant .

Heads of unemployed kitchen, whose bosses members of the nobility , had fled the revolution, and were forced to find another way to carry out their work , eventually opening their own restaurants; cooking and making art of the great masters . Thus was born the great restaurant in France .